Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Weekly update

Ran the third 12 miler.....wasnt as fast as the earlier ones....again, weather was hot and humid....on top of that i tried the power gels for the first time, but didnt have enough water with it. The stuff basically dehydrated me! At one point, during the 10th mile, I stopped sweating! My hands were dry, my face was dry.....and there was absolutely no sweating! I also started feeling dizzy!! I basically made it to the end of the 10th mile, to the water stop.....and drank and drank water and gatorade. Then I walked for some time. That really fixed things up, and I could then run the last 1.5 miles quite fast! It is a good thing that I tried the gels during training, and not directly in the marathon. The key to those gels is to drink lots of water with it. But, then I feel bloated after drinking lotsa it is a catch-22 situation!
The moral of the story - never try anything new in the actual race - have to keep this in mind!!
I recently spoke to a friend, Chaitanya Gharpure who is in Utah, and is training for a HALF-Ironman triathlon . Hats off to you mate! and good luck!!!

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