Thursday, August 04, 2005

Running is going to be an expensive sport!

When I started training for the marathon, I thought running would be a nice way to keep dont need to join any health club, no need to buy expensive equipment, you can work-out alone, at your are the master of all you run!!
But things dont seems that rosy now!! At least for me, whose engineering drawing would probably have been: Top view: Blob, Elevation: Impossible...too heavy for that :):)!!!
My body is probably going through more changes than a teenager's!:D:D:D:D
My "cherubic countenance" (AHA..wordlists!!) has lost its "glow".....people can no longer see me from very far.....they need to come a little closer!!:P:P

I suddenly seem to have dropped a pant size, so most of my clothes now look like they are doing a tough job staying on, trying not to fall off!! So basically, all the "savings" of taking up running to keep fit will soon be offset by having to buy new clothes!!:D:D

They say "you have to lose something to gain something", in my case i seem to be losing something (money) to lose something else (weight)!!!!;)
Anyways, its not such a bad thing!! Hope I keep losing,.....weight I mean!!

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