Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Rough week!

I had a rough week last week.........the 15 miler seemed to have an effect! I could not run last Tuesday, due to some pressing issues at skipped that.
Wednesday, and Thursday, I ran at the Holmdel High Track, 5 miles each day. I really had to put in the effort to was not as smooth and easy as it usually is. Every lap was taxing....and the speed-work was tremendously exhausting. I was supposed to do 5x800m each under 3min55sec, separated by 1 slow lap after each 800m.....I managed to do just 2x800m, and they werent easy. My quads/thighs felt as if they had no strength. There was absolute fatigue all week, and I felt low on energy. But I did manage 10 miles anyways!
Coach told me to take it easy on Friday and Saturday, and skip the runs. He said the phenomenon is called "delayed onset muscle soreness", something that generally creeps in 1-2 days after long runs. He said some people may require a little more recovery time than others, and that there was no point in over-training. This really is the difference between training on your own, and being trained by a pro.
After the 2-day rest, Sunday was a breeze!! I decided to keep it easy, and run only 10miles, instead of 12. But I felt I could have run 12 after all!! 10 now seems like quite an easy task, and I am looking forward to the 18 miler 2 weeks from now!!

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