Monday, October 31, 2005

My most determined run yet!

With my knee hurting, I always knew the last practice run was going to be tougher than all others! It turned out to be exactly that! Also, the cold weather didnt help much.
Though we were technically running an hour later due to end of daylight savings, it was still too cold.
Sarika had come to assist the Asha volunteers at the water stops. I decided not to run with the knee brace right from the start, so had Sarika keep the brace with her. Unfortunately, she ended up managing the 2 mile water stop, so had to wait till the last 2 miles to get the knee brace (since we were doing 10 up and 10 down)!!:D
Around the 10 mile/11 mile mark, my knee started hurting. But it was bearable pain, and I absolutely HAD to complete this run! So I carried on. Ended up consuming 3 packets of Goo on the way!!
Overall, I would rate this as my most determined and most satisfying run yet. It tapering time now, so the next 3 weeks would be low mileage weeks.....and then the big one on the 20th of Nov!!! Cant wait for it!!

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